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Happy Investor

05/31/17 9:54 AM

#2690 RE: puffadder #2683

It is simply an exposition of the background and motivation of a dishonest poster. Suvorov is Andrew Currah, who bears malice against McLaughlin for reasons that I have clearly laid out. His nefarious background is quite relevant, because we all should be interested in the credibility of posters. It is only Karma as you state, to the extent that Currah's illicit dealings are being exposed here and his wrongful acts are coming back to haunt him. If you meant that my comments about Currah are acrimonious, you are right. His motivations for slamming IMMD are hateful and self-serving. He has a history of fraudulent acts that have caused him to be banned from trading. He has harmed shareholders of other companies. What, should I not expose him? Should I urge understanding for him?