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07/01/17 7:48 PM

#92936 RE: Renee #92935

Amazed this board is still showing activity.

Did a little research just now and seen that the RPE program for AMD that Astellas bought is going through a Phase Ib right now.

Just started one month ago and get this, expected completion in 2026
(2020 for primary outcomes). Maybe it's good we got bought out, the amount of dilution Ocata would have had to do would be crazy.

But I wonder why Astellas is even doing a Phase Ib, Ocata had already recruited some patients in their Phase II back in 2015?? Seems Astellas is throwing a bunch of money out the window.

Ps do we know if it's best to buy ALPMY, ALPMF, or just straight 4503 on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (provided one has access), if we want to get into astellas prior to potential approval in a decade from now????