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Frayed Knot

05/27/17 9:47 AM

#420 RE: stoshk #417

Yes it does matter what someone did 20 years ago especially when it was a FELONY and when the same things continue to be done throughout the 20 years...

BUT HEY, need something more current..this doc was filed long before it was announced Peter Michaels was a "consultant", which was just this year.

Exactly why would Peter Michaels name be on a document for Sector 5 on April 30 2015 when he wasn't involved with them AT ALL... or so the story was going until......

Poor Petey screwed up ..... AGAIN.

Just like in 2014 when he said NO REVERSE SPLIT for his other scam, HPNN, until the doc from NV SOS that showed there was a REV SPLIT. He kept saying NO NO NO. But it was a lie. Eventually he filed a doc terminating the Rev split. I think it was the next month.

Yea, history is always important when trying to decide about doing business with a person/company, especially when current events can show that the "spots" have not changed. Petey will always show his spots.