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Happy Investor

05/25/17 10:00 AM

#2677 RE: Suvorov #2660

I am praising IMMD for objective reasons. I know much more about this company than you could ever wish to accumulate in your biased mind. I have been an investor in IMMD for 10 years never sold and continued to accumulate for years starting at $.05.
You are right. I oppose you. I do so because you , Drew Currah, have a vendetta against McLaughlin because he bested you and Keevil in your bogus capital raise for which shares were never issued. He aggressively pursued getting his money back, which cost you and so you are on this feed to hinder IMMD's development. I urge posters to read the history of your posts. You started out with irrational negative claims and gradually tried a faux reasonable approach as I slammed you and exposed your bias.
You are doing the same thing on another iHub site. You and your buddy Keevil were forced out of that company because the new CEO exposed your highly suspected actions which harmed the shareholders.
NOTHING you post is reliable. As time unfolds your game will be exposed more and more. Just watch.