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05/24/17 3:19 PM

#110249 RE: bigdaddy21c #110247

Of course nobody can demonstrate where that number comes from

No data nor proof

No wonder judge tossed out the NSS nonsense 3 times

Folks : declined 3 times by a federal judge

Sorry but i'd rather trust the judge than anonymous third party

Let them screem a loud as they can and as often as they can, doesn't matter

My bet will still be on judge's ruling

Think about it folks : federal judge or anonymous ?


05/24/17 3:23 PM

#110250 RE: bigdaddy21c #110247

NSS abettors will twist the truth to fit their agenda that Treaty Energy has no naked shorts

Absolutely. Glad you finally agree Treaty Energy has no naked shorts!
I'm just posting a reason why they do it.

All part of the ploy:

•The fraudsters start the next round of “pumping” the stock—sometimes even with made-up press releases or expert statements—and point to the rising price as evidence of its performance, which falsely inflates the price even more.

•The fraudsters keep it up until eventually “dumping” their shares for a huge profit and leaving investors scrambling to get rid of worthless stock as the price plummets. Fraudsters often claim the stock is under attack to encourage investors to hold positions by implying hedge fund control, naked short selling, or other conspiracy theories to mask the shares being dumped.

Still Not Working! LOL!


05/24/17 8:25 PM

#110259 RE: bigdaddy21c #110247

There are no naked short sellers, so there can be no naked short abettors. There has been ZERO evidence provided by anybody of any shorting of TECO stock let alone NSS. So... The proof there are no naked shorts is there is no evidence of any naked short sellers.

The truth is Treaty Energy was a scam run by crooks from the beginning, and there is plenty of proof to back that up. All one has to do is a little very simple easy DD, with open eyes.


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