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05/23/17 12:09 PM

#14845 RE: LongLiveTheShorts #14843

Totally agree with you. The shares in issue are a big red flag to me.


05/23/17 2:39 PM

#14849 RE: LongLiveTheShorts #14843

Shane fairbrother Is not the CEO , him and jack are
The only ones on video from what I've seen and neither
Are the CEO so please do your DD on titles before
Speaking. This has been repeatedly misconstrued
By many before you as well. Jack is the national services
Director and shane is the marketing director and co-founder
Not CEO.

In regards to the "wait for this, wait for that" comments
The whole cannabis industry for the most part on the public
Side is suffering right now and it's going to take a few different
Factors and regulations set in place to readjust investor
Confidence in this industry in the public arena. Get in
At a low pps hold and wait for the laws, referendums and
Regulations to become solidified.