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05/23/17 5:36 AM

#259401 RE: M8Seven #259400

i just seen where erbb signed with cybk/wogi. wogi is a scam. I own 540000 of this clunker. I just hope erbb realizes that they are dealing with a p.o.s in nathan hall


05/23/17 7:28 AM

#259403 RE: M8Seven #259400

Thanks for that piece of info. I've been around 3 mos. and your posts are helpful.


05/23/17 10:13 AM

#259410 RE: M8Seven #259400

Silkron issued 2011 White Papers that included Intel Corp graphics certainly..but that technology has been introduced for nearly 6 years and PanP is their first USA partner?? After 6 years? No doubt other big league vending players have reviewed Silkron, but none jumped in??

I contacted the two vending companies AG stated they integrated with and inquired to response..Silkron posts on their website a couple USA reviews, so I contacted Silkron and expressed my interest and asked if they could provide a USA machine location/company that presently has Silkron that I could hands on review..again, no response...GL