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05/23/17 12:08 PM

#88624 RE: al44 #88610

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow’s ratings are quickly creeping up on Fox News’, with her show ranking as the top-rated cable news show overall last Tuesday.

If new viewers are testing the Rachel Maddow show for information in today's convoluted political environment they are discovering the one most important thing about her stories.

She approaches the news with an academic's eye that researches and footnotes for accuracy, much like an academic paper or dissertation. Sure, she bends "left", but so does the truth in too many cases of political discourse.

Fox's job seems to be to provide cover for the often bizarre behavior of the P*TUS and his by and large unqualified cabinet of yes men/women.


05/23/17 1:34 PM

#88626 RE: al44 #88610

a|44: I never watched Bill O'Reilly. Couldn't stand him. I do like Tucker Carlson. He is far superior to O'Reilly intellectually. I guess the morons in O'Reilly's audience have stopped watching Tucker.

If I were going to "fix" things at Fox, I'd put Hannity in the 8:00 p.m. slot, move Carlson to 9:00 p.m., then put The Five on at 10:00 p.m., but I'd get rid of Juan Williams and bring in another "liberal" foil. Bob Beckel was a little bit funny, at times. Juan Williams is far too serious.

2Bhonest, of the 3 shows, the only one that I watch is Tucker Carlson.

If they really wanted to kick things in gear, they could leave Hannity in the 10:00 p.m. slot and make Stu Varney take over at 8:00 p.m. He is VERY entertaining.