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05/23/17 8:37 AM

#36548 RE: Giangy #36544

Which guy, the CEO who hasn't said a word in years, or the guy who just opened an account this spring, yet has the "inside scoop" on what's going on?

You need to not worry so much. If you can't afford to lose everything, a pinksheet stock. The allure is the massive moves, but few do that, and even fewer when the CEO is MIA.

Bob has very few options left, which is why his latest(albeit old) scam attempts, and news releases have failed. He is a joke...even in the land of jokesters. He had to dump his last venture, I assume because he could no longer convince anyone to invest...he screwed several big-hitters in the biz, and he has routinely promised news here and come up empty.

He will either deliver a grand-slam, or he will likely be out of the game. At this point you wait...with the rest of us. Comments won't drive trades, unless you plan to garner an army of darkness.

Just chill. Hold shares for news...if it comes...but your energy should be spent on companies not lead by charlatans. GLBUD.