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05/22/17 1:48 PM

#122663 RE: rayovac812 #122662

I like this post!


05/22/17 2:36 PM

#122665 RE: rayovac812 #122662

The issue of KBLB silk (be it MS or DS) having different kinetic and material properties than traditional silk has been long known to the company and to those on this board for YEARS.

If the reeler that we selected wasn't aware that our silk required fine-tuning or adjustments to industry standards, the blame for that falls first to Kim/Jon for not communicating that (as it was 100% known) and then to the reeler themselves, who if they were capable enough and had a fundamental understanding (versus a bulk processing mentality) should have been able to see that the raw materials were sufficiently different than what they were used to working with.

Experts have expertise, and not everyone that works on commercial-scale materials is an expert. Kim should have found an expert and not relied on someone that thinks they can just run this through the old-school setup.

That's just a fact. Maybe it's an easy fix, and maybe this delay will wake Kim up to the fact, but it's inexcusable given that THEY THEMSELVES MODIFIED THE SILK TO BE STRONGER/MORE ELASTIC/ETC. If you don't know what your fibers need, then you shouldn't be in the fiber game without help from true experts.


05/22/17 2:44 PM

#122666 RE: rayovac812 #122662

"it wasn't a new frontier"

after 5000 yrs of worm farming and silk spinning, I hardly think its a new frontier..just because it hasn't been doen in the USA for a while doesn't make it new frontier..

"Not predicting this cocoon issue tells me that you or anyone in any country could have predicted the outcome."

this is an utterly ridiculous comment..
but I will say this, I predicted kim would find a way to screw things up..guess what?..he

"Did the vendor ask what size the cocoons were?"

kim knew there was a difference and didn't inform the reeler..
but its the reelers fault for not asking?

"why would you seek to apply established business principles to a developing technology?"

a developing tech? was developed 7 yrs ago!..we are talking worn farms and silk spinning!..

"There is no one here that is closed to detailed predictions of failure."

what does this even mean?

"There will be excuses and they will be as legitimate as business principles."

there are no excuses for stupid matter how many times you try to reword the various matter how many times you try to insist that stupid mistakes are simply par for the course with any business.."oh well, live and learn..its everyones fault but kim's"...that's bs..

"Until you get there, this is an experiment"

uh, no it is not...after 7 yrs of having the holy grail, this had better be something more than an expensive experimental project using investor money..

"And you can ask Dr. Frasier how many failures he had before success."

what fraser was doing and what kim is supposed to be doing are 2 entirely different things..this is just weak..

"There are only best guesses, and no guarantees speaking strictly to the route to success"

after all these years and needing only worm farms and reeling, they better a whole more than guesses by this point...
do you think maybe we could hope for mistakes that aren't so stupid?..

"Get use to excuses or you are in for the most miserable investment time of your life."

you will find these words on every failed penny stock company..its like saying "the company sucks, get used to it"

"Obviously I am willing to listen and hear any arguments to the long as I don't have you on ignore."

sounds exactly like a kim statement..i am open to everyone..except those to whom I am closed


05/22/17 2:48 PM

#122667 RE: rayovac812 #122662

Ray the problem on this board is that there are a lot of posters who think they can do a better job running the company, of course they are all delusional because they are all Monday morning quarterbacks.