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05/22/17 11:37 AM

#20353 RE: Equitiesduke #20352

Regarding your message

Yes, way, way oversold("manipulated")!!
Cheap PPS makes it very easy to do this. At issue is the unfairness of the big block shareholders to do this to the retail investor.ike to see a "tax" of sorts on this front running at the HFT exchanges.
And maybe a limit on the number of shares that can be traded per trade at each facility. BAC will not likely break out of this channel so long as this B/S is allowed. Too easy to make the .03 rebate per share, per trade! Look at the "dive" this AM. Any reason for this , not just NO!, Hell NO!

I'm not sure what you want me to do with this spirited message. The best guess is just wanting to just soapbox off someone's postings randomly. There's probably a better audience than myself, maybe an appropriate organization that could actually address these concerns. Good luck in resolving this subject somewhere else that makes more sense.