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05/22/17 10:01 AM

#32255 RE: DCorleone #32254

Yeah I agree history is a very important tool. History has taught me to avoid companies like this that promise a lot and deliver nothing but losses. I lost a lot of $ here and .03 is nowhere near my average buy price. I have a degree in history so I certainly agree with you about its' importance but its very important to interpret it accurately. I still hold my position because I need it to pump before I can sell, but once it does I'm gone. Perhaps a new group of investors are lining up to be duped like I was in the past.

AllTHEwayUP 83

05/22/17 12:38 PM

#32256 RE: DCorleone #32254

History of this company delivering false promises..... save your history lessons for little kids


05/22/17 1:17 PM

#32257 RE: DCorleone #32254

Where's our friend stockmedic? He use to type pages of manure. Wonder what he's doin besides looking like a used car salesman.