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05/21/17 11:52 AM

#88576 RE: al44 #88572

al,...the bottom line to me is,...and i know we stand on different sides regarding Trump,...

this is all IMO of what i'm observing.

-Trump is not capable of being the potus. he makes himself more important then this country's needs. he hides behind cliche' corny phrases that he thinks inspire,...for me it's a huge red flag for a master of bs.

- the only thing that got him elected was he appeared to not be the establishments puppet. appeared is the key word here. Trump is the establishment. his entire staff either comes from the Banking sector (Goldman Sachs) or from Wall Street. TRump isn't seeking a break from the screw job we've been receiving from past potus's,...he's accelerating it.

he said what he needed to say to get a person's vote,.. he is now backing away from and changing (the art of the deal) many of his selling points. in my book he's an obvious Bait and Switch carsalesman.

- he has recently stated, I thought the job would be easier." now i don't want to read anything that is not there in that statement but that reveals a lot to me about the man occupying this office.

- he is obsessed with his image and what people think of him. that is not a quality or characteristic that the potus needs to use as a measurement of success.

- he has created an administration that is 100 layers of saran wrap. the medium is transparent but how it's being used is anything but transparent.

- Trump is a full blown Kleptocrat. he's already displayed it. more to come.

i'm attempting to discern one positive aspect of Trump as potus,..i can't find one.

again,..all IMO. i seriously hope i'm wrong but with N Korea and other world matters emerging Trump has no idea how to approach these matters much less solve them. he is lost. he is waaaay out of his comfort zone.