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05/20/17 11:21 PM

#32758 RE: FINISHLINE #32757

I also thought Disney would be the company to buy POW!. It would have made sense, since they bought Marvel. They would have had nearly all of Stan's work and kept his name and likeness out of other companies hands. Also if they did a buyout using stock instead of cash, it would be nontaxable to Stan and Gill, until they sold shares. Also it wold provide dividend revenue to Stan and Gill. Not to mention Disney valued POW! at $25 million, almost 2.5 times as much as Camsing, with POW! having more to it and better future prospects.

If the SEC can invoke Rule 13e-3, it might put POW! back in play (I think POW! would have to open the company up for bids). It might get Disney thinking about buying POW! again. POW! would also be a good fit for Amazon owns Comixology and does their own comics, as well as TV shows and VOD movies.

Thanks, it nice to know people were reading the posts. I wasn't sure for the last few years.