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05/20/17 8:26 AM

#60705 RE: SandridgeEnergy #60704

What still irks me is that even after acquiring Sunworks and the company "supposedly" changed it's focus, the company was still touting the cell to lure in investors.

Dec 23, 2014

Also as late as June 2016 the company was still dangling the cell to entice investors to invest.

"Sunworks expects 3D solar cell patent this summer"

The patent is expected to help the company speed up work with manufacturers in pursuit of the Solar3D Cell’s commercialisation

Did any one know the company was WORKING WITH manufacturers? I thought they were trying to find one.

Many on the board say oh the cell is past news move on, yet the company has never formally stated that fact in legal documents.

I wonder why? "wink wink"


05/20/17 11:53 PM

#60713 RE: SandridgeEnergy #60704

Sandy, Please note my just immediate previous post. They (Nelson) did admit the status previously. There was much discussion about it at the time on this board and others, but some folks/investors just don't want to let go.

Fraud? Sham? Did Nelson and that academic scientist developer guy working out of that lab in UC @ Sacramento go into this knowing that it would never happen? And maybe they could scam it for a while and stay employed for a few years? I suspect you say so, but who knows what goes in the minds of men. (The Shadow?)Maybe they thought they could do better than Panasonic, and gave it the good college try. Literally! To me the point is becoming ancient and irrelevant.

But SUNW today is hardly recognizable from the SLTD of the merely hopeful cell development days. It is a viable, growing, tangible company, focused in areas where its services are wanted. It employs many people, and has an actual backlog of orders for millions. There is growth potential and trucks driving around central California with their name on it. There will not be a sudden spike due to a disruptive technological breakthrough, but there could very well be good growth, expansion, and, from here, significant share price growth.

People: forget the cell!