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05/20/17 10:04 PM

#124723 RE: DISCHINO #124721

Samsung copies and that's a fact #Apple is dominating the World with its own #Tech... everything is a remix!

Diogenes of Sinope

05/20/17 10:17 PM

#124724 RE: DISCHINO #124721

AAPL--- From $90 to $150+ in the recent past.!

I'm proud to have followed Warren B. here.

AAPL---Magically delicious!!


05/28/17 7:02 PM

#124749 RE: DISCHINO #124721

Apple does not copy. Apple sends plans and data to clowns like Samsung to fulfill. Because, they require clowns like Samsung to make chips and other things, Samsung uses that to their advantage. Therefore, Samsung is the copycat. Samsung phones are garbage. Cheaply made. They make too many to offer quality.