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09/06/06 11:15 PM

#67974 RE: serfdom #67973

Peter go away!


09/06/06 11:29 PM

#67981 RE: serfdom #67973

Also why do you save information for later use, ive seen you make posts like "I know something, but im saving it for next week." if thats not basher activity i dont know what is, if you know something just come out with it...dont save it for strategy.


09/06/06 11:54 PM

#67990 RE: serfdom #67973

I've had some respect for you in the past but what the heck are you doing. From what I have seen here you are trying to boost your own ego. Why? If we are all investors/traders, why make it personal? I really don't understand. You came on this board apparently to help, so why the BS. You know what 144's are. People that are registering restricted shares so that they can be sold at some date in the future. I gave you all the links that showed most of the shares being registered were from people that received them from Furia over a year ago but yet you continue to attempt to create a conspiracy, WHY? You believe anything that Tim OurStreet says yet he has less credibility than any anonomous person posting on this board has. Have you bothered to DD his past?

I have stated for the longest time that I have many questions and have posted the DD I have found. I don't take sides. Good,Bad or indifferent. You started out the same or did you? Only you can say.

I still have no idea where this will end up. At this point it's all he said she said. Are you really that confident? I'm not and I believe I've done much more DD than you. I have my concerns but more and more those concerns have to do with people on both sides filing complaints to the SEC. However unfounded they might be it can halt a stock from trading and stop it in the long run.

Now who would benfit from that? The Longs? No but anyone short would. So who has the most to lose or gain here? That is what is so very interesting here. The longs could lose their original investment if it dropped to zero but the short's loss is infinite. Like I said I have NO idea how this will turn out but the scenario sure does make me think.

Everyone do your own DD believe no one. I mean No One. And never invest more than you can afford to lose or are willing to lose.
