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05/17/17 4:32 PM

#13805 RE: gater #13804

Are you REALLY so surprised?

Come on you should know by now, Gator. They've

Been in that pumpalammadingdong game

For HOW many years? I think the big takeaway is if

They choke, and that's no controversial speculation,

I think we can all agree, VNTH bag holders have NOTHING,

If the medical apps are all locked away with PRIVATE Nanobeak.

VNTH! A MEDICAL company doing good before becoming

Their play-shell! What did we invest in that now only Groman and

inner circle Nanobeak holders now apparently have connection to?

It's ugly and I wish it weren't but all I see is a bag of d##ks in our future......

So we sit n spin in trips.....all the while with them building intellectual capital off

Previous shareholder dollars, and engineering away on previously-VNTH things.....
