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05/16/17 8:54 PM

#39922 RE: As I See It #39919

Thanks AISI.

I also just spent a while myself digging around and reading up on it. I should have done that in the first place, but wondered if someone had some specialised knowledge.

That excursion into corporate board policies has emphasized much more in my mind the significance of this Buchler thing.

This is the only thing short of a contract between the two companies that could possibly attest to a strong business relationship. Simple as that. They're doing business. KMI is going to adopt the AOT, try to eventually take over QSEP, buy the rights to the AOT, or some version of one of those options.

I cannot discern any other plausible scenario for this. Buchler's boss does not say "Oh yeah sure, go serve on the board of the penny stock company whose technology we tried and which never worked out because it's a load of trash and which is therefore going to go bankrupt. Go for it. Just don't spend too long and don't destroy our reputation!!"

Yeah, right.

It's game on, people.


05/16/17 8:56 PM

#39924 RE: As I See It #39919

It reinforces my belief that the kmi relationship will be more than a supplier-customer one


05/16/17 9:03 PM

#39925 RE: As I See It #39919

Do we have some examples of buyer-supplier relationships where a couple of managers of a the big company buyer joining the vendor's board preceded a buyout offer or some deeper strategic partnership?

I.e. I'm looking for some kind of precedents to a situation like this.

Anyone versed in US corporate history or activities could shed some light on this sort of thing?

Under normal circumstances it would seem to be positive for the relationship. Under our circumstances it would seem completely remarkable.

Moreover, do we have any doubt that Jason Lane did not know Gary Buchler beforehand?

Do we have any doubt that Gary Buchler did not know Michael Green and in fact nominate him for the board membership? At a time when Green is finishing his employment at Devon and will have more time on his hands?

I know I've been posting a little too much recently, but this just seems like a perfect storm.