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08/12/03 2:33 PM

#537 RE: AIMster #536

Hi Patrick,

" It also changes the Profit/Loss figure by now showing XX$ profit, whilst it does also correctly increase cash."

Yes, when you use the add interest/dividends it adds to your profit. So you'd like a new function that adds cash, doesn't adjust portfolio control and adds the new cash to the original investment rather than the profit? I'll have to think about that for a bit and if it makes sense for the general AI user, I'll add it to an upcoming release.

"When I was setting these up (3 positions in one portfolio to show a common cash reserve amount rather than a per diem allocation) I'd transposed the price on the first fund that I entered, $15.72 instead of $15.27."

I see what you're saying. However if AI allowed you to change the price of your equity, this could affect Buy and Sell recommendations that were given after that checkpoint. In your case there were none (since you had just started the portfolio), however it's also possible that there could have been some recommendations. This is an example of an "unsafe" edit.

While I see the problem, I can't think of an easy way to get around it. The Undo function allows you to fix errors in a "safe" manner -- although it can take more work on the user's part. However it is better to do the additional work (especially since this type of thing isn't done frequently) than to risk an unsafe edit causing out-of-sync problems in a portfolio.

" had also tried to walk the portfolio individually through the end of July to bring it current to early August and I found a little 'bug' - as I was entering cash for a prior date, AI posted it in the running history using the current date, even though I'd given it the earlier date in the posting function itself."

One of the things you have to watch for is that AI automatically defaults the date to the current date. If you forget to change it to the desired past date, you'll get the current date. Are you sure you didn't forget to change the date? If you think you did everything correctly and there was still a problem, please send me the step-by-step details and I'll try to recreate it here.

"I also found that once there's a later or current date in there one can't post anything earlier."

Yes, that's working as designed so as to eliminate the "unsafe" edit problem.

"One more thing, on Windows 2000 Professional, when I exit out of AI if I bring up the task manager it still shows it as a running application."

Now that's interesting. I haven't heard of that problem before. I just tried it on one of my computers (also running W2K Professional) and it closes down correctly. No AI processes running after closing the program. Is this consistent on your machine?

One final note, I'd like to keep this board's focus on AI enhancements and new ideas -- rather than support related issues. You can send support questions to the AI support desk (see for email address) where they will be promptly handled.

Of course new ideas, like your first suggestion, should definitely be posted to this board.