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05/15/17 9:29 PM

#4191 RE: Atlanta1 #4187

re: BBBiotech holdings and current trials; as of 3/31 , this invstment company was holding over 8,000,000 shares of NVAX. They will not report holdings again until the end of the second quarter on the Nasd. Site. ( If you go to pre market or post market reporting on Nasdaq site , and put in NVAX, on the left hand side, there is a long list of options. ) I will further research Baker Brothers holdings and am not sure if BBBiotech is same as Baker Brothers. Will report anything I find.

The bottom segment of those options has Institutional Holdings. Not too far down the list is BB Biotech and they just reported holding 8,000,000 plus shares. There have been no trades, I do not believe , for at least 6 months.

From what I understand, this company deals exclusively in biotech and applies solid research. I am always impressed to see BBBiotech invested, and for me its a follow -the -smart -money issue. Now, that is my opinion and so I do recommend current and well evidenced DD.

After the recent CC, Seeking Alpha put out a comprehensive , well evidenced research report, discussing past and current trials, NVAX Finances, Bill Gates Foundation status, links to relevant science journals,...... as the alternative to "professional" analysts' weak and erroneous opinions and surmisings ........( those opinions published recently, just before the share price plummeted).

If desiring readily available , well evidenced, and current DD, my post, # 4129 on this board, ( See the bottom of that post) displays contact information for the most recent Seeking Alpha Research Article. Just type in 4129 in the white box above. All stated above is IMO. I hope that answereed your questions, Atlanta1.