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05/15/17 1:09 PM

#55789 RE: Bushwacher #55788

Distribution still being worked out. Gov has said they will allow mail order to a province if distribution is not worked out there. So legal sales online regardless of what the province says. Currently I believe canada post does the age and identity check on delivery.


05/15/17 1:11 PM

#55790 RE: Bushwacher #55788

online sales to start with will be enough. I think credit cards are only supposed to be used by or with the supervision of adults. I know they already sell liquor online everywhere so I think they got if figured out.

Let's face it - this thing where they need to legalize it for the kids is complete BS anyways - same with the criminal element. Top two reasons the government uses to justify legalizing cannabis is complete horseschit!

To keep it away from is supposed to be 100% illegal and eradicated from Canada entirely and that doesn't stop kids from using it. Age limits don't stop kids from smoking cigarettes or drinking booze either.

And if you want to stop criminals from growing cannabis you just make it legal to grow cannabis and they wouldn't be criminals. It is completely retarded to legalize something to stop people from doing it. Imagine they try to legalize bank robbery to stop bank robberies.....that is just fully retarded.

Only 1 reason to legalize cannabis - that is to make money off of stupid working people - that works for me. People that just want a job and they want to be left alone and they can get high every now and then and it will be expensive but who cares because they have jobs and they are left alone.