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05/13/17 10:59 PM

#269075 RE: JimLur #269067

Yes. It's great! And a lot of the graduates were wearing MAGA hats! Awesome


05/14/17 4:08 PM

#269083 RE: JimLur #269067


Margaret, I am sorry I haven’t written more, but honestly, honey, I am just too tired. Sadly, it has nothing to do with my age and everything to do with my home. Don’t get me wrong, I love my home. Unfortunately, my home is located in Texas, and in this state, we liberals are all tired.

The rest of the country woke up last November and said, “Oh Shit. What just happened to this country?”. But all of us in Texas woke up and said, “Oh Shit. The rest of the country just became Texas.”

We’ve been dealing with race baiting, misogynistic, religious nut-jobs for decades. For us, the craziness started when George W. Bush became Governor in 1995. Now just imagine how tired you would be if the government had been trying to grab your pussy for 22 years. Even my husband gave up sooner than that, God rest his soul.

Yes, Texas has a long history of electing morons and, somehow, we’ve survived. But I warn the rest of you, if you think Texas is the benchmark you might want to consider these recent headlines:

- Texas Industrial Plants Spewing Pollutants Illegally

- Abandoned Texas oil wells seen as “ticking time bombs” of contamination

- Environmentalists Ask EPA to Strip Texas’ Regulatory Authority

- In Washington, Texans Continue to Question Ozone Science

- Texas Governor Abbott Signs Bill to Limit Pollution Lawsuits

- Abstinence-Only Texas High School Hit By Chlamydia Outbreak

- Texas School District Sex Education Compares Non-Virgins To Chewed Gum

- Texas Governor Rick Perry Struggles To Answer Question About Sex Ed: ‘Abstinence Works’

- Texas Governor Tweets Marriage Was Defined by God

- Texas places 43rd among states in national education ranking

- Texas has the highest rate of repeat teen pregnancy in the nation

- Texas has highest maternal mortality rate in developed world, study finds

Now any of those are reason enough for most Texans to not want to get out of bed, but that last one is particularly alarming. When Texas moved to defund Planned Parenthood our maternal mortality rate doubled. Doubled. Texas politicians are literally killing women. And you might not have heard this expression before, but it is becoming agonizingly clear – As Texas goes, so goes the nation.

Our President admitted on camera to molesting and assaulting women. That alone should have disqualified him to be anything in politics. But what I fear now is that his politics won’t just assault women, it will kill women. And for those of you hanging on to the hope that Ivanka is going make it all better, I offer you this headline:

President Trump signed legislation Thursday allowing states to withhold federal family planning funds from Planned Parenthood

The election of Donald Trump was alarming to the majority of voters because the majority of voters did not vote for him. And those that did, usually defended their vote by saying, “I like him because he speaks his mind.” Well I say, if your mind is full of shit, speaking your mind is akin to passing gas. And if you think I am wrong, then smell these quotes from The Donald himself:

Donald Trump at the third presidential debate: “Nobody respects women more than me.” Three minutes later: “Such a nasty woman.” (October 19, 2016)

“I sorta get away with things like that.” —Donald Trump, on bursting into Miss Universe pageant dressing rooms

“Believe me, she would not be my first choice, that I can tell you.” –Donald Trump, mocking the women who alleged he sexually assaulted them, suggesting his accusers weren’t attractive enough to earn his attention. (October 14, 2016)

“You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.” –Donald Trump in a 2005 interview with Access Hollywood’s Billy Bush

There was a time when Texas got it right. We ushered in the great Ann Richards as Governor when her Republican opponent, Clayton Williams, joked, “Rape is kinda like the weather. If it’s inevitable, relax and enjoy it.”

If only jokes about assaulting women were still reason enough to lose an election…

I watch the news everyday waiting for a reporter to ask Sean Spicer if being President means Trump has been able to grab even more pussy. It hasn’t happened, but an old gal can dream.

Both Texas and the U.S. used to be great. In a few years, maybe we can elect someone who can make them great again. I mean it. Really.