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05/12/17 10:49 AM

#25230 RE: tbnfl4sun #25229

Mark's tried, but no one is biting on the ridiculously funny fake news. He spent millions years ago on a P and D, just wrapping it up and shutting it down now, can't sell what no one will buy. Can't pump without something tangible, been 5 years+ and zero verifiable work of any kind produced.


05/12/17 10:53 AM

#25231 RE: tbnfl4sun #25229

It definitely isn't despite what others may falsely claim. As the company stated, the last and most important piece of strong revenue will be in the quarterly reports this year. They have reduced the toxic debt, improved the share structure, and haven't seen significant selling. The fundamentals of today and in the coming months will be strong for shareholders