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05/15/17 10:48 AM

#29697 RE: gold777 #29696

Think about it? It's now a numbered company holding cash. This cash will be used to fund a retirement plan set out in a serverence pay for ex employees who contributed money above par to capitalize on depreciated assets that is earnings obtained from a tax credit.

Ask you self is a tax credit revenue? Is a tax credit an accounts payable if revenue from overpriced shares that is sold owing tax's that are offset by depreciated goods and services not revenue.

Payables to this is accumulated tax credit that does not have associated revenue is " treasury stock " .

Can the treasury stock become " payables and good will". Yes if money is borrowed held in credit where the capital costs are paid out from the borrowed funds. This then becomes a line of credit until the depreciated tax credit is turned into cash " equity " that is cycled back into treasury stock that can be sold back to the public increasing the outstanding shares owed too the original investors of the tax collateral to the loan should revenue be realized through actual sales of products and services or additional diluted future share offerings by the company.

If the company can't raise money by eather method and depending how close the company is to becoming self sufficient an institution will take on the roll as a private investor and unleash the tied up cash reserves by excepting a equity position above the par value of the stock under a forward stock split stock repurchase and cancelling program.

The shares have to be cancelled. They can not go back into treasury stock.

Read and understand the laid out accounting rules available to all investors.
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05/17/17 10:26 AM

#29698 RE: gold777 #29696

Thanks Eddy I understand what you're saying I bought the stock 2011 for $84 which is 215000 shares, it would be Nice to have made 200,000 for an 84 dollar investment.