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05/10/17 3:13 PM

#9253 RE: SINCERELY2 #9252

hopefully he gets the humor


05/15/17 9:19 AM

#9256 RE: SINCERELY2 #9252

i have to assume when these shell facilitators take over a dormant stock on the verge of otc oblivion, that they never expect anyone to still be hanging around. IR skills appear to be lacking, but the carrot is still be dangled in front of the horse's face for some reason. While no clear answer is given, he keeps dishing out hopium. Albeit if we were to gauge the hopium on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being low and 10 being jordan belfort, joe is at a 1. he's keeping the dream alive but not blowing smoke where the sun don't shine