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09/06/06 10:25 AM

#32251 RE: webmoney #32248

web, do you mean this?.....

By: fungagain
31 Aug 2006, 04:33 PM EDT
Msg. 1173295 of 1173513
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Unbelievable! How long has it been now and you people are still here and still hopeful?? You guys make Dudley Do Right's horse look unfaithful by comparison!
Geez, after years of this you'd think you would have figured it out by now.
Let's review......
Shlicks, jcline, surfit, ibaft, willywizard and a few others have been SHOWN to have been receiving free shares from the very beginning. These people went out of their way to hand carry you all to CMKX when this was dying, when lo and behold.....Vinny was involved with that company as well. Others like tbishop, mccurdydon and a couple others were late to the show, but got free shares of that company just in time to find them pretty much useless. Guru and a couple others fought long and hard to stop the only decent thing flecksman ever did which was to try and enforce plan B. You people were scammed!
To summarize, if you folks are not in on the scam (which I have a very hard time imagining anyone still here isn't), then you definitely qualify among the largest fresh water supply of mullets in captivity! You people whine and blame those pointing out your ignorance all these years, and overlook those who were getting free shares while you were paying for them??? Don't you all feel the least bit foolish by now?
Apparently, Vinny's buying and selling cars and Super Bowl rings that YOU people bought him!! The guy tried to burn down his own dealership to hide the facts! TWICE! An interesting story behind the Super Bowl ring?? Yeah, I'll bet. Like hiding assets perhaps??
Folks, if you aren't scam artists, get a clue! Have someone slap you across the face....HARD! How many of you mullets swore you'd go down and seek revenge? How about just seeking answers? Vinny and his boys are long gone, they've spent your money on race horses, fast cars, and big houses, and here you sit, like Old Yeller waiting for someone to shoot you and put you out of your misery. It would be tragic if it weren't so funny.
Just my own opinion, of course.
P.S. Buck up, there's always the Entourage carrot to keep you folks going.
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