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05/14/17 10:19 AM

#30028 RE: runncoach #30027

I feel sorry for the people who invested in Global Cancer Diagnostics (GDC). That money appears to have gone up in smoke. William's new corporation looks to be EXACTLY the same as his old corporation.

The only possible reason I can see for killing off the corporation named Global Cancer Diagnostics and starting a new corporation named Cancer Screening Corporation is to rip off the people who invested in Global Cancer Diagnostics. That includes QuantRx, the company that gave William $50,000.

I just hope that anyone thinking about giving money to the company named Cancer Screening Corporation, whether through Startup Compete or through any other path, does enough DD to find Global Cancer Diagnostics and see what happened to the last "Investors."

DC, I can answer your questions. You're welcome.

"1. Is their any facet of Onko-Sure that is still protected, or can anyone use both the technology and the trademark?"

No. Absolutely not.

2. Where does the old +/- 85% Radient ownership coalition fit into any of this, if at all at this point?

There never was an ownership coalition. Wolfie just made that up. Wolfie and his "wolfpack" owned a billion shares themselves -- that is 25% of the stock.

3. What about Uni and the Onko-Sure trademark- Can multiple parties lay claim to it?

Who cares about Trademarks. Trademarks only protect names, not technology. William never used the trademarked names. William made money off DR-70 by forming corporations and taking money from investors, not by selling the test.

4. One thing I have learned, with a company like this you always seem to have more questions than answers.

That is only true if you ignore the obvious answers. The Aussies and William are exactly what we said they were.

As for Wolfie implying that William's new corporation is somehow tied to Australia.... DC, have you realized yet that Wolfie is exactly what we said HE was?