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05/08/17 7:28 PM

#50043 RE: was GoldenDD #50040

check this out...

lack of interest? lol[board-reads.png

^^ doesn't look that way to me.

fwiw, we've discussed how note holder shares could find their way into friendly long-term hands for several reasons:

1. open market buyback (4.98% per holder X 10 is half the OS).

2. partners with incoming subsidiaries. (buyback shares retired and reissued, as restricted shares)

3. various other folks the company prioritizes higher than penny flippers.

my question is this: are they under any obligation whatsoever to hurry up so they can please retail traders who just want to get rich as fast as possible? nope.

GoldenDD Monday, 05/08/17 07:22:49 PM
Re: LivingTheGoodLife post# 50038
Post # of 50043

Sorry, the idea is far fetched. Its falling because of dilution and that's it. Also lack of news and interest.

donnie broos

05/08/17 7:47 PM

#50050 RE: was GoldenDD #50040

Agreed. Now, we enter the period where we try to force the clouds to look like ANYTHING other than a cloud.

The owner promised free shares and THAT'S why...

The MM's are just trying to get cheap shares and THAT'S why...

The daytraders are just making beer money and THAT'S why...

MUST be naked shorting...

Just the stops being taken out, THAT'S why...

Here's the deal: like it or not, find some BS alternate justification or not, nuance it any way you'd like, whatever - the company set a false expectation with their PR. They implied news in two weeks. THAT'S partly the reason why the price exploded. The RM news AND financials - BOOM.

Now, it's become a credibility issue. It looks like a scam now.

But...But...But....they actually said they "intended"...... Who cares. That's not what people read. They should have said nothing at all. At BEST, they should have said "in the near future" or "as soon as possible" or some such other meaningless mush. The expectation was set for two weeks whether they intended to intend or not. People hung in to give them the benefit of the doubt. Now, their patience is gone.

Hopefully, this company has learned its lesson.