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05/09/17 8:59 AM

#77563 RE: insidetruth #77562

Amazing as it sounds all this pipe dream of future worth of MDMN is unraveling right before our eyes with not much of an effort by hucksters and shrewd negotiators. Hucksters such as LP and shrewd negotiators in Auryn.

How could it be that an asset owner such as MDMN, ostensibly billions in metals and minerals once extracted, end up in debt to its acquirer when the acquirer is supposed to either deliver up front payment to acquire or promise to make future payment. Any and all equity MDMN had is now in Auryn's control.

Everything LP touches enriches his account while depleting the investor.

What's happening with the cash call? Has Auryn raised its needed cash?

My by the seat of my pants best case valuation of MDMN is roughly $15M. That would equate to $0.01 per MDMN share.That's based on the assumption that Auryn goes public at $0.06 per share and issues 1 billion shares and MDMN has 1.5 billion in os shares. Don't take that to the bank. Just a WAG.

Total interpretation: We've been screwed over by several crooks. That you can take to the bank.


05/09/17 10:14 AM

#77565 RE: insidetruth #77562

What is your take on how the thief Leslie Price for years fleeced Medinah and its shareholders by setting up a shadow company in Vancouver called Medinah Mines Inc in order to issue shares illegally without board approval, falsify signatures, and pocket the money, all while falsely reporting the actual share counts from the TA? Do you think the SEC and FBI will come after him to seek retribution on how he slipped through their prosecution of The Bermuda Shorts sting?

if that 25% share of the Caren vein is legitimately and legally owned by the thief Leslie Price, then that represents a nice asset that Medinah and its shareholders can and should recover either in the courts, arbitration or settlement. Dontcha think?