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05/08/17 3:10 PM

#9242 RE: roiresearch #9241

contacted t/a again

i/o still 33,673,968

i find it funny however that Joe keeps reporting the i/o is 28,673,963. A mystery 5 million shares. I wonder if Joe is only counting free trading and not restricted stock. Most likely the 5 million mystery shares are restricted

The only thing we are waiting on is the 6.7 million shares which are in physical certificate but have yet to be returned to treasury. We have known this for over 6 months. WTF is taking so long? It's these 6.7 million shares that have to be the kink in the progress here other than learning about Brick's involvement as the new stakeholder

Hopefully the Q report at the end of May will have more info

till then, yawn!!