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08/11/03 1:32 PM

#21442 RE: teecee #21441

Dam you must have scared him off, he usually replies much quicker. I'm also impressed that you spelled all of your words correctly!


08/11/03 1:39 PM

#21446 RE: teecee #21441

"DICKHEAD"??? Now MATT may have a more mature, businesslike attitude about this, BUT the way I see it is as follows:

1. JIMLUR got his $1,000 for winning the MDC & bringing over you he is clearly a winner in all of this.
2. iHub got the subscription revenues for those that bought annuals or LIFER iHub must have been a winner to some extent.
3. Matt & Bob have stated that the advertising revenue generated by the freebie members is slim and not a major revenue stream for iHub.
4. And now you think that by holding iHub to ransom by making an exception to the site's TOU for a foul mouthed chap like yourself, they are shivering in their boots at the huge loss in revenue stream? If anything, more clubs are gonna come over here if for nothing else but the enforcement of the TOU.
5. Who's the dickhead now?


08/11/03 2:18 PM

#21458 RE: teecee #21441

teecee, I have some obligations later in the week, but I want to be around when you bring His Mattjesty and Ihub to their knees. Could you or one of your flock pinpoint an exact date for me?


08/11/03 2:22 PM

#21460 RE: teecee #21441

Why not just conform to a set of rules I've begged you to follow and join the rest of the group.

You've turned this into an influence/boycott deal when really it's about following the same rules as everybody else. I'll give you credit for ganging up on me, but I'm not caving.

All I'm asking for is your word and agreement you'll leave the trash out of your posts, then you can get back to talking about your favorite stock.


08/11/03 3:08 PM

#21492 RE: teecee #21441

teecee: Apparently, you are not familiar with the extortion attempt by the EDIGers in February, threatening to leave en masse if I wasn't preemptively blocked and if Matt would not boot another poster they didn't like. Since Matt refused to block us unless we violated the TOU, they did as they threatened and went over to Agora.

However, except for those who are in the jailhouse or booted, almost everyone who left has come back, including the former board moderators who quit in protest.

The TOU are strict (disallowing personal attacks, off-topic posting, profanity, multiple aliases, etc.), but the TOU along with an excellent user interface make this the best site IMO. Therefore, people who leave in protest, usually come back and start posting again and new people come all of the time.

Extortion does not work with Matt. Why not just avoid the colorful language or keep it on the non stock related boards, where it is allowed?


08/11/03 3:30 PM

#21505 RE: teecee #21441

Too bad you'll still be sitting here until you clean up your act.