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05/04/17 7:04 PM

#268743 RE: StephanieVanbryce #268735

Lyin' Trump promised to protect Medicaid. He lied through his teeth.

By Hunter
Thursday May 04, 2017 · 5:20 PM CST

Yet another in the many, many points that need to be made today:

While campaigning, Trump promised--repeatedly--not to touch Medicaid. The bill he's backing today savages Medicaid. $880 billion in cuts.
— Brian Klaas (@brianklaas) May 4, 2017

The House bill takes an axe to Medicaid, and isn’t subtle about it. It cuts over three quarters of a trillion dollars from the program—and turns the federal program into a block grant endeavor in which states are turned loose to use the remaining money with reduced federal oversight. It’s the money cut from Medicaid that provides the cash required to cut taxes on wealthy Americans, in fact. That’s where they’re getting the money from.

Setting federal oversight aside, “protecting Medicaid” means “cutting $880 billion from Medicaid” under no possible interpretation of “protect.”

So yes, Trump voters; he lied to you. He lied bigly. He just held a Rose Garden victory party to celebrate the House voting to decapitate and dismember the program.

It�s Thursday. How many people have lost their healthcare today?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 9, 2014

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05/04/17 7:28 PM

#268747 RE: StephanieVanbryce #268735

Statement By A.G. Schneiderman On House
Passage Of The American Health Care Act

Press Release » May 4th 2017

“The healthcare bill passed today by House Republicans is a threat to the health and wellbeing of all New Yorkers. In addition to the devastating impact this bill would have on every New Yorker’s access to affordable healthcare, the legislation that passed the House today is unconstitutional in several critical respects—and I stand ready to challenge it in court.

First, House Republicans’ attempt to effectively deny women access to reproductive healthcare services is a cruel and unconstitutional attack on women’s rights - especially the most vulnerable.

Further, the Collins-Faso Amendment is a cynical ploy by House Republican leadership and President Trump that exceeds Congress’s authority by interfering with how New York has long elected to fund its Medicaid program.

This bill threatens to slash essential healthcare services for millions of New Yorkers who need them the most.

For these reasons, if this disastrous and unconstitutional healthcare bill is ultimately signed into law, I will challenge it in court.”

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