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05/04/17 5:10 PM

#275930 RE: eqinvestor #275928

That won't even cover ArrestEd's bar tab tonight. He's a bundle of nerves with the arraignment coming tomorrow.

Don't worry, ArrestEd, you probably won't be going directly to jail tomorrow, even if you plead ~OUTT. It's just the arraignment. you can plead guilty or not guilty to each of the counts.

If you CONtest the Violation of Probation count, the judge will set a date for an evidentiary hearing and a finding of fact. At that hearing, you and your lawyer will defend against the evidence that you violated probation and the judge will rule on that matter at THAT hearing, where your probation may (likely will) be revoked and you'll either go directly into custody or, if your lawyer asks real nice and the judge is so inclined, the court may give you a few days to button up your affairs before reporting to jail.

With regard to the other counts, DUI/drugs/etc., if you plead not guilty tomorrow, the judge will ask if you want a jury trial on those counts, and then he will schedule a scheduling hearing, a discovery period with cut-off date, a pre-trial conference (which will likely also serve as a pretrial motions hearing), and then a trial date.

If you plead guilty to the other (non-VoP) charges, the court will order the probation department to prepare a new presentencing investigation report and the court will schedule a sentencing date, prolly 6 weeks in the future.

So go easy on the substance abusing tonight, Ed. You most likely won't be thrown back in jail directly after tomorrow's arraignment. It'll take some weeks to months.

And showing up in court high and drunk is no way to impress the judge, Ed.

And don't bring your illegal firearm(s) to court either. That is frowned upon when you go through the metal detector at the courthouse. Those guys gett real jumpy when they find a gun.


05/04/17 6:26 PM

#275933 RE: eqinvestor #275928

Called A "Seller's Market, usually. Even the Outsider USPrez can't get the US Senate GOP to buy the House GOP new Health Care Plan. For one thing, no one has really heard of the House Plan, like some emerging high tech companies that anyone can think of. Mostly, a tiny few have noticed that there are legal and accounting tricks, regarding the reporting of real property, existing in various state rules, in various Departments of Corporations.