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05/03/17 9:59 PM

#28586 RE: wcrash655 #28567

The OTC is not dragging their feet. Get over that. They are forcing the new management to provide everything they need to get current. That is it. It means they ask questions, and AMLH (the new one) answers, when they can. It is possible that the new officers are part of the requirement they were waiting for - that (their questions) - is not being shared with us.

You can believe, however, that AMLH knows why the stop is not down yet.

The new AMLH is a private company that went public in reverse into a public shell. OTC wants all the facts, including who are the officers of the new company, and how the company is structured. As I read over the OTCMarkets ticker for AMLH, I see that most things are now reflective of the new management. In a few days, the first quarterly report for 2017 will be due. It is a catchup game. They will likely report late, which will require an 8K to tell OTC they will be late so the stop sign, if it's down, won't be put back up.
The CFO for AMLH was just announced today. Yes, the OTC probably wants to know who the chief financial officer is and that is probably a requirement for removal of the stop sign. The CFO can't be the old one, there must be a replacement from the new company. Why is it so hard for people to understand that starting a new company up using an older symbol takes a LOT of work?

I would advise everyone to realize two things - this is a startup company that just happens to be using a ticker that was public. That is not a guarantee of success, as most new companies do not become successful. The otc is littered with the bones of companies that have tried to be successful.
Also, remember that when a stock goes up without a reason, you can expect it to go back down without a reason. No matter how much esteem you might hold a company or its idea or its CEO in high esteem, business success is based on performance, and performance is measured in dollars. Nothing else.
Notice the listings of officers and directors of AMLH on OTC:
AMLH Profile
Maybe, just maybe, OTC wants those to be filled out by AMLH before the stop sign goes down. The stop was generated by the old company. The new company has to fix the problems left behind to become current.