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05/03/17 5:15 PM

#350 RE: Bernija1 #341

I have seen plenty of stocks go green after he post his chart video. Imo his videos are trash same stuff said over and over again just a tool he uses to suck the newbies into buying his junk I stopped watching them years ago.


05/03/17 5:16 PM

#351 RE: Bernija1 #341

This is above his payscale, I'm guessing this breaks .40 tomorrow


05/03/17 5:18 PM

#353 RE: Bernija1 #341

Lol, hes a trader and provides resist and support on most daily high profile runners......personally ive seen tons of stocks go green the next AM after a video post.......

Newbies and or his groupies are the only ones who believe in the clay myth whereas he has magic powers and shorts like a mad dog......lmao


05/03/17 5:20 PM

#357 RE: Bernija1 #341

Clay is not a shorter.. he just posts vids on stock of interest. Read his disclaimer on his vids. Most stocks of interest are stocks that are running.. and by the nature of things, most stocks that are running pull back.. just common sense.


05/04/17 9:25 AM

#388 RE: Bernija1 #341

Like I told you, the "Clay Tanks Stocks Myth" a ......fairy tale!

Clay is a shorter and he has a lot of followers. I have yet to see a stock that he post's his video's on go green in the am and sometimes the full trade day. jmho