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05/02/17 9:14 PM

#46940 RE: floridany #46939

The man strikes again!!

Nelly 15

05/02/17 9:27 PM

#46947 RE: floridany #46939

Geez ur always upto something, do you ever sleep? Thanks floridany


05/02/17 9:30 PM

#46948 RE: floridany #46939

Wow that is impressive, we all owe u a coke, or bottle of champagne.


05/02/17 9:34 PM

#46952 RE: floridany #46939

These were posted years ago?


05/02/17 9:56 PM

#46965 RE: floridany #46939

You can also search the World Intellectual Property Organization to search for worldwide patents. Usually a patent is filed here first and if approved you get the option to be granted automatic approval in about half the companies for a fee. Yet the most valuable are the US patents and the 5 major gross domestic countries or countries with large populations. This will pull up most patents and odds are our battery company has filed here too for protection in the EU and USA!

They say you spend 1 time the money for 50 times the gain in the US but the rest of the world you spend 50 times the money for 1 time the gain because many are just relatively low GDP compared to the major players. I own several broad coverage claimed patents myself and have had them issued. But none in China.


05/02/17 11:52 PM

#46995 RE: floridany #46939

Excellent work as usual floridany, thanks... most all of those patents were filed relatively recently (2013, 2014, 2015) with interesting comments under 'Status' but once approved, I believe, a patent has a 20 year shelf life (can be renewed)... new tehnology and likely been in the making for years to get to this point where now a company goes public through a reverse merger.

Best to you and all with DOLV!


05/05/17 8:51 PM

#48722 RE: floridany #46939

Add more to the patent list: