Ace2727, Ramads experience when it's business and possible profits involved the parties put their diffferences aside and come together. One example is that the noteholders form a llc and the technology and the pattens are the assets of the company. They then can decide how they want to maximize those assets. They can find a partner or can have an agreement with a vender to build the CGM. That's just one of many examples.
The bankruptcy courts protect the creditors. Echo has not done anything wrong except make bad decisions. The court will honor the notes and being that it could be argued that the technology has the potential to help or make diabetics life less painful that the faster they can start to develop the product the better. That being stated any court will expedite the transfer of the technology to the noteholder as to their plan to develop a non invasive CGM.
The shareholders are not a creditor to Echo being Echo has no money. The shareholders can file a law suit against the management if they have evidence that they personally obstructed the laws as principals of a public company. That in itself is another matter.