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04/28/17 6:35 PM

#268604 RE: JimLur #268602

Trump's first 100 days: High in executive orders, low in approval ratings

President Donald Trump has signed more laws and executive orders than recent presidents in his first 100 days, but he hasn't been remarkably more — or shockingly less — successful than most past presidents, according to experts in presidential history.

"It hasn't been that much different — it's been more controversial more tumultuous because he's not only battling with his political opponents, whoever he perceives to be his political opponents, he's battling with the press," said Richard Benedetto, an adjunct journalism professor at American University who covered four presidents as a White House reporter.

Mr. Trump recently said he didn't think any president has accomplished more in the first 100 days than his administration has, but that's hard to square, presidential historians said. Mr. Trump has signed more pieces of legislation than most recent presidents, but paling in comparison to Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) and Harry Truman. Here's how they stack up:

Trump: 28 laws
FDR: 76 laws in first 100 days
Truman: 55 laws in first 100 days

The legislation Roosevelt signed included creating the Tennessee Valley Authority, starting massive public works projects to end the Great Depression, establishing the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation -- as Politifact notes, 15 of those laws were major pieces of legislation. Not one of Mr. Trump's is a major law:

Thirteen of the laws he signed repeal Obama-era regulations, dispensing with them quickly under the Congressional Review Act;
Two of the laws name VA clinics -- one in Pago Pago and another in Pennsylvania;
Five are personnel appointments.

"The notion that he's accomplished a great deal is just obviously not true," said David Greenberg, professor of history and journalism and media studies at Rutgers University. "I don't think there's really any way to say that with a straight face."



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04/29/17 12:54 AM

#268609 RE: JimLur #268602

Trump now agrees with the majority of Americans: He wasn’t ready to be president
April 28, 2017 [with embedded video, and (over 4,000) comments]


The Daily 202: 15 Trumpists who did not survive the first 100 days
April 24, 2017 [with embedded videos, and comments]


A well-timed Oval Office photo perfectly illustrates Trump’s revelation that being president is hard

Feeling the limits.
April 28, 2017
No one thought it would be easy, except, apparently Donald Trump.
Nearing his 100th day in office, the US president sat down for an interview with Reuters on Thursday (Apr. 27) and spoke candidly about the trials of his job. “This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier,” he told Reuters.
A photo taken during that interview by Reuters photographer Carlos Barria shows Trump shrunken amid his official surroundings, a perfectly-timed metaphor for the isolation and challenge of his new role. ,,,
Before him lie three bright red-and-white prints of the 2016 electoral map, reportedly showing the areas where he garnered the most votes during the presidential elections six months ago—a topic he has frequently returned to since taking office.


Trump’s presidential desk has a tiny red button that he presses to order Coke

Apr. 28, 2017 [with embedded video]


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