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04/28/17 7:12 PM

#295996 RE: geocappy1 #295960

Watch this show with to many companies as executive team makes way to much money and don't give a hoot about shareholders. I have one company that I even worked for over the years that reminds me of PPHM. Executive team killing, great product and can't monetize it. They do $40M a year in revenue, but reality is they can't get it to the next level. Software product that is good enough to compete, but not good enough to take big market share because of management.

PPHM can limp along for many more years, tout BAVI, AVID or whatever and even show some revenue, but can they take this company to the next level? IMO this management team is incapable of delivering the big prize, but I'm back and hoping something finally comes to fruition.