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04/27/17 8:30 PM

#75054 RE: lanemyers #75053

Good job. But Giorgio sees that he left money on the table this last time he was CEO, so it benefits him to come back and raid the piggy bank again. Don't let him fool you into thinking he's coming back for shareholder benefit. I also am sending my emails, maybe if we all ban together and post on his companies investorhub ticker, he will even get more pissed off.


04/28/17 9:09 AM

#75057 RE: lanemyers #75053

He responded pretty in depth to me. He mentioned he has been getting threats. No one should do that or he/they will just shut down on us. He asked me not to post the email, and I will respect that but to paraphrase.
Yes, there was a deal for an acquisition and he says he believes there still is a deal, he was asked to come in as a favor in exchange for an offer package. That never materialized, so he left. Neither he, nor Reign have anything to do with SPRV at this time though he may consider coming back in if they request it however this line from his email is what concerns me: "But, you can’t do business in a company with a CEO that isn’t willing to take an active role."

It would seem that Jim Farroquee is who we need to track down, he's the one with our money and the answers we all deserve. The email listed in the Ibox never gets a response. Lets track him down thru FaceBook, Linked In and so on. Anyone with his real contact information, please post it...