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04/27/17 4:52 PM

#3562 RE: Jakhoub #3560

The thing is, KRED is already in other parts of the country. They just want to establish a strong, reliable sales base in the west before aggressively expanding territories

Regarding the market agreeing the call was "good but not great", let me offer some information.

First, the call wasnt good, it was great and heres why. There was no person on that call, other than insiders and the like, that wasnt stunned at the April sales number being $330k putting this company on pace to more than triple last years sales at a minimum imo. Remember, we're still in cooler months, reorders have been ramping (which is why April sales were so high) and expected to continue... Then add in new accounts and warmer weather and this was exciting developments for shareholders to look forward to

Now, the market. I was prepared for a selloff for a couple reasons.

One, the move up in price leading up to the call...indicating some traders were positioning..

Two, more importantly in case you missed it. Theres been conversions of debt into millions of shares in the past few months. Check out the 10k, its all there. With the recent price movement up, my suspicion is that practice has continued. If you just add that up, youll see a pretty good sized over hang on KRED shares. Its been getting eaten through but theres probably still some more to go. This is what has put a temporary drag on KREDs share price, not a less than spectacular earnings call.

As KRED continues its sales ramp, expect its shareholder base to widen with new investors coming on board. When enough shares have churned sub 10 cents, new highs will be made. It could happen next week or next month but its gonna happen if sales continue growing and its my belief they will

Lastly, their dilution last year was a necessary evil. Small companies dont have much choice as is evidenced my most otc companies. At least KRED avoided true toxic funding and has now either paid off or converted almost everything. Its market has been eating through a lot of it anyway... its just the way it is

2017 will be a great year for KRED and its share price if things continue on the same course theyre on now