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04/26/17 9:22 PM

#14146 RE: Amatuer17 #14142

Amatuer - I understand where you're coming from, and yes there has been some rough waters concerning management, but all that is changing now. Dr. P has devoted a good portion of his life to this; yes, he came up short. He, Dr. P, has now turned the reins over to a Gilead Ex. Let's wait and watch a bit longer. I have no worries that this may fail. In all honesty, I feel this will get very exciting very soon.

I would like to see this board return to the great board that it was not long ago. It has become a dark place that is hard to visit now. All the negativity has taken over and shut out the light! Have negative results been posted and I somehow missed it? A lot of you once shunned the "short talk", now, it seems, y'all are infected with the negativity. If you truly have given up, then just leave the board and go on to your next quest! No harm, no foul? (kinda what many people would say to the Negative Nancy's not long ago)

GTLA and keep the faith!
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04/27/17 1:01 PM

#14183 RE: Amatuer17 #14142

Can't blame you on the management incompetencies...However, I now believe PRO 140 is NOT a disruptive HIV treatment option..a "Me TOO" at best...and who wants to inject themselves for a Me TOO with no strong supporting data..Lack of Large "N" against an SOC Oral HAART regimen of 96%. PRO 140 is worth .60 cents at best...due to a snails pace enrollment, this is not deemed as disruptive therapy...only disrupting our investments...Sad and Pathetic. And Anyone who challenges me..please look at the volume and the PPS....quit with the excuses..incompetent management, No BP interest and weak enrollment and data demonstrating efficacy in LARGE numbers. N=10 responders...N=5 Rebounders...time to move on. One thing for sure...we will never see 2 dollar plus. I got in hoping for 5 to .60 cents..that is reality and don't fight it! If this drug was so earth shattering effective it would not take so many many months to fill a safe guarded HAART add on regimen trial