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04/26/17 8:05 PM

#73645 RE: MikeKnowsRunners #73639

Pinched like today at 20%? Last week we were up 75%. They can't cover it all. There is too much VOLATILITY this low. Ive read enough to know thw short issue her is not the problem by those with decades of experience.

But send what ya got.



04/26/17 8:16 PM

#73648 RE: MikeKnowsRunners #73639

It's very important for all NSAV share holders to lock your prices way above the asking!!
I suggest .05 ++++ but feel free to do whatever makes one comfortable!!
This move prevents the MM's to borrow ones unlocked shares and short the stock which drives prices down!!!!
Play it smart!!!
All long NSAV investors will see it soon .05 cents ++++++