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04/26/17 3:33 PM

#24177 RE: carusso #24176

no, Box ship has very little debt Paragon has a lot of debt

Box Ships shareholders would not want to be related to Paragon

furthermore the CEO mgmt and related entities are the expenditures for Box and Paragon, they get charged separately on contracts so there is no savings by merging - they are already the same people

its not going to happen and no Box ships shareholders would want to merged with Paragon big debts and negative net equity when Box Ships has almost no debt and positive net equity

plus with Stephen Chu voting against RS - it wont happen he has more shares then all of mgmt shares combined
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04/26/17 3:41 PM

#24178 RE: carusso #24176

many stocks recover from RS

GLBS shipping did RS went from 1.28 to close to 12 between falling back to 2.57

TEUFF already had RS splits

however this proposed one - not going to happen - Stephen Chu
votes against it makes it improbable

but all you BOX shareholders out there vote against it as well to guarantee it Dead on Arrival , every vote counts - Trump will tell you that too !!