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04/26/17 12:30 PM

#22265 RE: ccraider #22264

These judges want trolls like PTSC gone so bad that the judge in PTSCs case completely changed his own claims construction from the HTC win 180 degrees to ensure a construction that PTSC could not win under. None of the facts in the case changed and the arguments were the same. The district court judge in this case signed off on the new construction and it went to appeal. That judge who now has the case back still wants the case gone in my opinion and all he has to do is grant the defendants stipulation to non infringement. The problem as I said is "if the judge is not a total jerk".


04/28/17 9:07 PM

#22267 RE: ccraider #22264

Hope U guys sold a halted stock is NOT GOOD it usually means very bad news. Just my opinion!


05/03/17 8:35 PM

#22269 RE: ccraider #22264

Don't expect anything from the SHAM tmrw the PTSC folks exist only to preserve their paychecks until the company bleeds out its last funds as they always have. Cant you tell from their "PRs" they only try to protect themselves legally by saying nothing. They will try the case and appeal until the money runs out which is soon!
Just my opinion.