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J.T. The DD King

04/26/17 12:06 PM

#12477 RE: swinging for the fence #12476

Obviously someone has been loading the past few trading sessions. No one puts up a 10,000 shares bBd order @ $1.90 just for giggles. It looks to me like the buy order was for 15,000 so the rest flipped over to the Ask. My guess is it will be filled. Whomever is buying $20k to $40k at a time with an average of $2 isn't buying high to sell low.


04/29/17 1:50 AM

#12486 RE: swinging for the fence #12476

Millions of shares continue to be traded for debt at a conversion of 0.0025/share or 1/800th of the current share price - zero revenue - kind of a red flag for discerning investors