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04/25/17 5:02 PM

#49718 RE: AJH92 #49717

Has the float even changed since the run to 0018?


04/25/17 8:53 PM

#49720 RE: AJH92 #49717

That's a FACT! A competent trader could've done WELL multiple times!

Ignatius J. Reilly

04/26/17 10:01 AM

#49725 RE: AJH92 #49717

Truth. Of course, many did lose money selling for a loss after buying at the peak of those runs after waiting too long and then listening to the hypesters. Can't blame the company for that, it happens in every single penny stock.
Getting a bit upset that runs were killed by debt getting converted is understandable but instead of bitching about it, wouldn't it be wise to accumulate at the known bottom and wait for the inevitable run. But no, most would rather complain and probably jump back in once this hits .001, only to likely get burned again. Many never learn in the OTC market. It's a trading market full of people who would much rather play slots without thinking than take the time to master blackjack or craps and give themselves a much better chance of success...