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New poll shows Jon Ossoff with 7-point lead in Georgia race
06/09/2017 [with comments]


Ossoff Raises $23 Million in Most Expensive House Race in History

Jon Ossoff, the Democratic candidate in Georgia’s Sixth Congressional District, spoke with supporters at Dunwoody Library in April.
JUNE 9, 2017
WASHINGTON — Jon Ossoff, the Democrat running in a closely watched special House election in Georgia, raised over $15 million in the last two months, vastly exceeding his Republican rival and shattering fund-raising records, according to federal campaign finance documents filed on Thursday.
Karen Handel, the Republican candidate for the suburban Atlanta district seat, raised approximately $4 million in the same period. But she began the final stretch before the June 20 runoff election with slightly more cash available than Mr. Ossoff, who had already spent much of his money to reserve television advertising time.
The contest to fill the seat vacated by Tom Price, the secretary of health and human services, was already the most expensive House race in history. Mr. Ossoff has now raised over $23 million and Ms. Handel, who only became the Republican nominee after the initial balloting in April, has brought in over $4.2 million. In a sign of the intense national interest in the race, much of the money came from outside Georgia.
In addition to the candidates’ own fund-raising, the national parties and allied groups have swooped in with millions more. The largest Republican groups have spent about $12 million on behalf of Ms. Handel, while Democrats have just spent over $6.7 million on behalf of Mr. Ossoff in the same period.
The biggest spender among the third-party groups has been the Congressional Leadership Fund, a so-called super political action committee aligned with the House Republican leadership, which has poured in more than $6.2 million to attack Mr. Ossoff.
[...] [with comments]


Can This Democrat Win the Georgia Sixth?

Were Ossoff to win, it would be the first time a Georgia congressional seat has flipped in a special election since 1872.
March 3, 2017


The Trump-Hate Weather Vane

Will fury (and heaps of Democratic cash) be enough to get Jon Ossoff, 30-year-old political neophyte, elected to Newt Gingrich’s old seat this spring?
April 2, 2017 [with comments]


Trump looms over Georgia special election
Republican Karen Handel has fundraised with the president and vice president, but some in the GOP think she is not embracing the president enough.
ATLANTA — Vice President Mike Pence landed Air Force Two in the middle of Georgia’s hotly contested House special election Friday, looking to give Republican Karen Handel a boost just 11 days before the vote.
But Handel did not appear at a rally with Pence, as she did last month [ ] with House Speaker Paul Ryan, instead opting for a carefully managed fundraiser with select media in attendance for the vice president’s visit. It’s the latest step in a delicate, months-long dance between Handel and President Donald Trump, who is not well-liked in Georgia’s 6th District, a traditional Republican stronghold.
Handel has embraced Trump on policy in the runoff, but his unpopularity could be a drag on her on June 20, when she faces Democrat Jon Ossoff in the nationally watched race. Yet some Republicans believe that she is committing a costly mistake by minimizing connections with the White House: de-energizing Trump’s base.
[...] [with comments]


Mike Pence event for Karen Handel is closed to prying eyes

June 9, 2017 Updated June 9, 2017
Vice President Mike Pence’s visit to metro Atlanta on Friday kicks off around 11 a.m. with a meeting with military families at Dobbins Air Reserve Base. It ends with a fundraiser for Republican Karen Handel at the Cobb Energy Centre at 1 p.m.
The Handel fundraiser is another event involving the White House that is closed to the press. President Donald Trump’s visit in late April involved a closed-door fundraiser after his keynote speech at the National Rifle Association conference.
Weeks later, House Speaker Paul Ryan held a private fundraiser for her along with a public rally at a cramped Dunwoody hotel ballroom.
[...] [with embedded video, and comments]


Pence: Handel will be 'true partner' to Trump
June 09, 2017 [with embedded video, and comments]


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