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04/24/17 10:42 AM

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The Scandals of Donald Trump: Presidential Edition

Tracking the controversies, allegations, and investigations into the president and his administration

Yuri Gripas / Reuters
David A. Graham Apr 23, 2017

Donald Trump entered the White House as one of the most scandal-tarred presidents in American history—what his imbroglios may have lacked in depth, they made up in variety, encompassing legal, ethical, and sexual controversies.

The Many Scandals of Donald Trump: A Cheat Sheet

Now that Trump is president, some of those controversies have continued to shadow him. But the presidency has also occasioned a whole new set of disputes. Looming largest is the question of whether his campaign colluded with Russian agents to interfere in the election, a question being investigated by the FBI as well as panels in both houses of Congress. They also include ethical and legal questions surrounding members of his cabinet, his allegation that Barack Obama spied on him before the election, and various conflicts of interest.

In the spirit of our logs of Clinton and Trump scandals during the presidential campaign, this article will track those controversies, sorting out the legal, ethical, and moral questions and separating the facts from the fury. The list will be updated regularly as there are new developments.ies to multimillion-dollar alleged frauds.
